Linkedin Newsletter now available in Estonia

Linkedin as a social media platform gives professionals a voice.
It gives opinion leaders a chance to spread the word, salespeople to make sales, CEO’s to promote their corporate culture, job seekers to find new jobs, and recruiters to find new talent.
As a result, more than 770 million people use Linkedin today.
The Linkedin Newsletter feature gives Linkedin users an extra opportunity to spread their word – this time through email marketing.
In today’s article, we focus on Linkedin’s email marketing, which breaks the barriers to entry for traditional email marketing for personal brands.
Linkedin Newsletter functionality
The new feature allows you to send a newsletter to your existing audience on LinkedIn.
To do this, you must first enable “Creator Mode” in your profile settings.
Next, you need to create an article.
To do this, go to the Linkedin front page and click the “Write Article” button.
The ability to create a newsletter appears in the article writing view. By clicking the “Try it out” button, you can start creating your first newsletter.
A new window will open where you need to enter the title of the newsletter, set the interval for sending it, and add an introduction. It is also possible to add a visual to your newsletter.
Clicking “Done” will save the additional information of the newsletter.
To send out a newsletter, make sure you want to publish the article as a newsletter.
How will it be distributed on Linkedin?
When you create your first newsletter on LinkedIn, Linkedin notifies your contacts that it’s published and invites them to join.
PS! As with any new thing, Linkedin gives an advantage to the first creators of a newsletter. Linkedin will notify every follower of yours when you publish a newsletter.
Once the newsletter is published, you can post it to your LinkedIn profile as well, to get more exposure to it.
Linkedin also sends your newly published newsletter to the email address that is associated with people’s Linkedin profile. This is one of the most powerful opportunities.
It is for this reason that the newsletter you create will reach a larger number of B2B decision-makers.
If the topic is relevant, people can simply share it with other decision makers by clicking the “Forward” button.
Removing barriers from e-mail marketing
Linkedin seems to remove barriers from email marketing.
What’s needed, is only your Linkedin profile and a loyal following.
In the past, the process was more complicated because it required both a landing page to direct people to subscribe to the newsletter and an email marketing platform to create and share content.
Linkedin removes these friction factors and allows information to be transmitted quickly and conveniently.
Revolutionary, isn’t it? Definitely in personal marketing.
The Linkedin newsletter feature makes it easier, more convenient and less sweaty to create your own newsletter. And this is more likely to reach more people than usual due to the distribution capabilities mentioned above.
NB! Linkedin’s newsletter has no capabilities on corporate pages yet.
Some examples
Peep Laja’s “How to Win” newsletter has already more than 12,000 subscribers.
“Email Marketing Fundamentals” is another great example, created by Tanel Rand (over 660 newsletter subscribers in 3 days).
More than 680 people have subscribed to my “Customer-centric digital marketing” newsletter.
In conclusion
The Linkedin Newsletter is a potential tool that could remain in the hands of Linkedin’s personal brands for years to come, allowing people to create content that people are interested in on this platform.
With this in mind, we will have a very effective tool for customer-centric digital marketing in the long run.