
Newsletters and automated emails that nurture the relationships between your company and your customers.

Why it’s never too late to start e-mail marketing

Nowadays, e-mail marketing is more valuable than you think. Instead of sending out multiple newsletters a month, focus on sending on a few good ones. Newsletters are not the only part of email marketing. Great automated emails can give a boost to your relationships with customers!

  • It’s one of the few channels that you really own.
  • Email marketing still has a crucial role to play in your marketing mix
Industry average open-rate VS our clients open-rates.
Real Estate industry average
Real Estate industry average
Real Estate - our clients
Real Estate - our clients
Beauty and cosmetics industry average
Beauty and cosmetics industry average
Beauty and cosmetics - our clients
Beauty and cosmetics - our clients
Health and medicine industry average
Health and medicine industry average
Health and medicine - our clients
Health and medicine - our clients

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