Why you should get serious about Linkedin Live?

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Linkedin has been providing content creators with the Linkedin Live format for some time already.

To do this, you had to turn on Creator Mode and manually ask Linkedin for permission to use this feature.

Today, you’ll get access to it automatically when Creator Mode is turned on.

Now Estonian companies can also make live broadcasts on LinkedIn.

Linkedin Live on company pages

The functionality will be introduced to the public gradually. Today (23.11.2021) a notice has been received for the pages managed by Molivery.

If you’re wondering if your page can also use Linkedin Live check your email – have you got any recent updates from Linkedin?

It’s more complicated to use than Facebook Live

If you are used to streaming live on Facebook then Linkedin Live might be a struggle for you.

It’s not that easy to set up. To go live on Linkedin you must first select the appropriate software to broadcast your live. Linkedin’s own recommendation is to use the Vimeo platform.


It is recommended that you test the solution with a technically savvy person when creating a live stream on LinkedIn.

Why should I stream live on LinkedIn at all?

Live streaming helps connect people. This reveals direct communication between the creator of the broadcast and his followers.

Linkedin itself says Linkedin Live allows your content posts to receive 7x more responses and 24x comments than regular video posts.


Looking at how Linkedin has introduced new features to its users and rewarded their use (even in the case of the Linkedin Newsletter), I dare say that Linkedin Live is not a smaller caliber revolver than other innovations.

Rather, it is a content marketing cannon that helps personal brands and companies build closer relationships with their followers in the long run.

As well as the functionality of the newly published newsletter, which we have introduced in Estonia as a pilot project.